FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get in touch with an officer for a non-emergency situation?

The non emergency number is: 770-830-5911. This number goes straight to dispatch, just like 911. When you call let them know it is not an emergency.  You can also come to the Police Department, this way the officer is logged while helping you. 



How do I pay my ticket?

You can pay online at: www.EZCourtPay.com

Call to pay over the phone:  770-562-3151 Ext 206

Mail Money Order to: 184 Carrollton Street, Temple Ga 30179

Pay in person:  Mon-Fri 8:00a.m.-5:00p.m. ,  184 Carrollton Street, Temple Ga 30179


What do I do if I lost my ticket?

 Contact the court clerk 770-562-3151 ext:206 or go see the clerk at 184 Carrollton Street. 

Who do I contact for a ticket I got in the mail for speeding in a school zone?

Please call: BlueLine 1-855-252-0086.  No one at the police department can look up these tickets, they come from a 3rd party company. 

How do I find out about traffic laws?

You can go online and look it up under US Law, Case Law, Codes, Statutes & Regulations :: Justia Law . You can also always contact your local police department and ask as well.